Friday, April 30, 2010

Working for almost a year now

It's a big change in lifestyle when you make the transition from school to work. The repetition and seemingly endless days slide off my back much easier.
There's been changes in family too. Both grandfathers passed away within the past months. My dad's side in Dec of '09 and my mom's earlier this month. It's tough seeing my parents so fragile and seeing a piece of their past disappear. They've been living the adult life for so long now that they seem to crumble back to childhood when they lose someone who has been so integral in bringing them up. I sometimes imagine what I would do in the future when the time comes.
Hopefully my brother and I wouldn't be so far apart (physically or friendship wise) that it would be categorized as a reunion.
Gong gong was one of the big figures in my life. He cared for me the most (says my mom) out of all the grandparents and my personality would fit his the most. Taller than most, gentle and calm, he didn't have much luck with the ladies. Loves to travel, lives for adventures, always wanted to visit Alaska. Always worked on his poems, had calligraphy writings littered all over his wall. Had a connection with dogs, loved the outdoors, but no compassion for snakes. He talked to God towards the end of his life, asking to be whisked away. He hated religion and the politicking that followed. I saw him 2 weeks before his last day came, much healthier and stronger than before. A part of me wondered why God kept him so long in world. I prayed and told him we were praying for him. He nodded his head and said, "Hao, hao..." To this day, I have no idea whether or not he's in paradise. God granted him exactly what he wanted, but sometimes, it's not what He's desired for us. Maybe it's the eternal sleep from all the sufferings he's endured or just wanting to close this chapter for his family's sake. Two things I do know is that life goes on and that God loves us. All we can do is enjoy his love through obedience and know that whatever happens in life, whatever tragic or emptiness we feel through the low times or standing on the mountaintop, God has conquered it all and allows us to share in the glory and ecstasy being with Him in the end of days.

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